As leaders in strategic planning, policy, analysis and management consulting and through engaged, collaborative partnerships, sound modeling techniques and cutting-edge research, we inform the development of key transportation policies and help Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations design and implement effective management solutions, strategic plans, long-range plans and corridor plans.

Strategies Centered Around Safety and Resilience

Safety is at the forefront of everything we do. We support Highway Safety Improvement Programs, State Highway Safety Offices, and metropolitan planning organizations – from setting safety performance measures, targets and priorities to developing Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Highway Safety Plans, Local Road Safety Plans, and traffic safety coalition strategic plans, to providing assistance in improving their traffic records information systems, to program and project implementation. We use a holistic, Safe System approach to help agencies reach their safety goals.

Our focus on keeping people safe translates to helping agencies create resilient systems. We do this by completing vulnerability assessments and developing strategic plans that emphasize anticipating, preparing for, withstanding and responding to changing conditions while being prepared to recover rapidly from disruptions. We use a comprehensive approach that supports agencies in integrating resilience into decision-making and processes and addresses a wide range of hazards from extreme weather to sea-level rise to pandemic. Our approach considers how to make our infrastructure, our agencies, and our communities more agile and resilient.

Keeping people, goods and systems moving is the essence of our planning, policy and management work.

Here is How We Can Help You

Asset and Performance Management

Plan and execute asset and performance management strategies that maximize value and help your agency maintain a State of Good Repair.

Business Intelligence and Dashboards

Understand and glean actionable insights by integrating complex big data sources with agency ridership and performance systems to produce analyses and visualizations for service planning, operations management, and other applications.

Emerging Technologies

Prepare to harness a future with support from planning through implementation for emerging technologies like Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs), connected/autonomous vehicles, and roadside, station and vehicle-based communications infrastructure.

Equity in Transportation

Build a fair and equitable transportation future. Let’s join forces to put your communities at the forefront of equitable change.

Freight Planning and Policy

Review and evaluate freight policies, regulations, and procedures with the foremost experts of freight planning and policy.

Mobility Forward

What would your transit and shared mobility system look like if you had to reinvent it tomorrow?

…because you do.

Resilience and Sustainability

Partner with us to help your agency better prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and successfully adapt to adverse events. Our work spans risk valuations, climate adaptation, emissions and energy analysis, air quality planning, supply chain and economic impact studies, and more.


Safety is at the forefront of everything we do. We use a holistic, Safe System approach to help agencies reach their safety goals through ​safety performance measures, targets and priorities to developing Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Highway Safety Plans, Local Road Safety Plans, Fail Safety,

Service Planning and Redesign

Deploy system data like never before to plan the right blend of fixed route and on-demand services and infrastructure that equitably and dynamically meets rider needs, optimizes agency resources, and incorporates transit technology innovations.

Simulation, Analysis and Operations

Use simulation to help plan and analyze operations of your transportation network. Evaluate what-if scenarios or alternatives to analyze potential infrastructure investments, examine new technology benefits understand development impacts on the community your agency serves.

Stakeholder Outreach and Event Coordination

Apply proven outreach methodologies and private sector relationships to support structured collection of input from stakeholders.

Statewide, Regional, and Urban Freight Planning

Develop a holistic data-driven, stakeholder-informed freight plan that goes beyond federal requirements to position your state or region for economic opportunity, resiliency, and equity by leveraging the link between land use, infrastructure, and economic development.

Strategic and Long Range Planning

As communities grow and change, transportation systems, agency’s organizational operations and data-driven processes must evolve as well. Planning sets a vision and attainable objectives and strategies to create a safer, more equitable and sustainable transportation future.

Survey Design and Market Research

From transit market research surveys to commercial vehicle and establishment surveys to household travel surveys, we can guide your agency through the development and design of any survey type. We’re recognized for our work on the Federal Highway Administration’s Travel Survey Manual.

System Operations

Improving security, safety and reliability of your community’s transportation system is important to your agency. Transportation Systems Management Operations (TSMO) strategies can help optimize the performance of existing multimodal infrastructure.

Technology Planning

Emerging technologies are bringing transformative change to the world of transportation. We can help you plan and implement these innovations in safe, impactful ways.

Tolling, Pricing and Road User Charging

We are well-positioned to help you optimize your surface transportation systems using tolling and road user charging strategies.

Connect with Us

John Kaliski headshot

John Kaliski

Planning and Management National Practice Lead