The design, analysis, and integration of quality data, development of high-powered policy sensitive models, and the creation of accurate forecasts and credible analyses are fundamental to informed transportation decision-making and future planning.

Through our modeling work, we help agencies understand and forecast travel patterns so that investments made today have lasting, positive effects for decades to come. Our independent thinking and objective analysis guide the development of data and models to help agencies set priorities and make decisions that impact mobility, accessibility, land use and economic development and the environment.

From simple spreadsheet-based tools to complex econometric analyses that draw from multiple data sources, we have experience working with, creating and updating every type of model.

Our staff comprise the largest group of transportation modelers in the industry who have contributed to, and in some cases developed, many of the travel demand forecasting practices used in transportation.

With deep roots in every aspect of modeling and data analytics, here are some of the ways we can help you reach your agency’s goals:

Here is How We Can Help You

Equity in Transportation

Build a fair and equitable transportation future. Let’s join forces to put your communities at the forefront of equitable change.

Freight and Economic Modeling and Analysis

Guide your investment decisions by utilizing an array of innovative freight and truck data and modeling tools.

Freight Modeling

We lead the nation in the advancement of freight modeling techniques, including the integration of commodity flow data into four-step models, the use of locational data in truck parking studies, and the development of tour-based freight models.

Geographic Information Systems

From Geographic Information Systems (GIS) programming and applications to map-making for public outreach to complex statistical analysis, our solutions are designed to help you understand the impacts of transportation projects and design enterprise GIS systems.

Mobility Forward

What would your transit and shared mobility system look like if you had to reinvent it tomorrow?

…because you do.

Model Development and Application

We develop creative, practical solutions for travel demand models, such as the estimation and implementation of trip-based and activity-based models that acknowledge and quantify the inherent risk in forecasting the future.

Research and Training

We help agencies and transportation practitioners expand their analytical and modeling capabilities through research manuals and curated training courses. As practitioners and data scientists, we continuously seek to advance the state of the art by implementing best practices in our work.

Resilience and Sustainability

Partner with us to help your agency better prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and successfully adapt to adverse events. Our work spans risk valuations, climate adaptation, emissions and energy analysis, air quality planning, supply chain and economic impact studies, and more.


Safety is at the forefront of everything we do. We use a holistic, Safe System approach to help agencies reach their safety goals through ​safety performance measures, targets and priorities to developing Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Highway Safety Plans, Local Road Safety Plans, Fail Safety,

Simulation, Analysis and Operations

Use simulation to help plan and analyze operations of your transportation network. Evaluate what-if scenarios or alternatives to analyze potential infrastructure investments, examine new technology benefits understand development impacts on the community your agency serves.

Strategic and Long Range Planning

As communities grow and change, transportation systems, agency’s organizational operations and data-driven processes must evolve as well. Planning sets a vision and attainable objectives and strategies to create a safer, more equitable and sustainable transportation future.

Survey Design and Market Research

From transit market research surveys to commercial vehicle and establishment surveys to household travel surveys, we can guide your agency through the development and design of any survey type. We’re recognized for our work on the Federal Highway Administration’s Travel Survey Manual.

System Operations

Improving security, safety and reliability of your community’s transportation system is important to your agency. Transportation Systems Management Operations (TSMO) strategies can help optimize the performance of existing multimodal infrastructure.

Technology Planning

Emerging technologies are bringing transformative change to the world of transportation. We can help you plan and implement these innovations in safe, impactful ways.

Tolling, Pricing and Road User Charging

We are well-positioned to help you optimize your surface transportation systems using tolling and road user charging strategies.

Connect with Us

Kimon Proussaloglou headshot

Kimon Proussaloglou, PhD

Executive Vice President