Exploring how these new technologies will impact your community is a priority. How you prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), electric vehicles, truck platoons and other types of enhanced vehicles will impact safety, economic development and policies—not to mention vehicle ownership, miles traveled, land use and public transportation usage.

At Cambridge Systematics, our experts stay at the forefront of these advances and the positives and challenges that come with them. Here’s how we can help you plan for tomorrow’s technology through decisions you make today:

Planning and Evaluation

Work with us to understand how CAVs could change local, regional, and statewide travel patterns and vehicle miles traveled, shift mode choices, impact land use, and shift roles and responsibilities related to operations, infrastructure, and regulation. We have led or supported CAV studies in Florida, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, among others. We also have led numerous technology-focused research efforts on behalf of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program.

Travel Demand Modeling and Simulation

We’ve created travel demand modeling and simulation tools to better forecast the impact of emerging technologies, as well as analytics tools that leverage data sources from the technologies to help your agency make better, more informed decisions.

Policies and Programs

Updating your agency’s policies and programs to regulate new technologies is key to your community gaining the benefits and helping negate the challenges associated with advancements in CAV and related technologies. For a large transit agency, we integrated a set of analyses, operational concepts, and a business plan that directly support the future implementation of automated/connected commercial vehicles. This work culminated in a workshop with representatives from the private sector, including Google, Verizon and General Motors, to discuss the outcomes of the project.

Grant Applications

We have deep experience working with agencies to develop grant applications and secure funding for their CV applications, AV emerging technologies, and intelligent transportation systems. Click here to learn how you can leverage our team on your next grant effort.

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