As new technologies emerge and freight systems continue to face uncertainty, we understand that freight efficiency, safety and resiliency is vital for your region’s growth. We provide a unique understanding of the goods movement landscape and the right skillsets to help your region stay competitive and promote economic growth now and in the future.

A pioneer of the many tools, techniques, and processes used in freight planning today, we continue to pave the way for the freight planning practices of the future. Our dedicated bench of freight experts combine state-of-the-art technology with in-depth experience to implement tailored freight solutions for our clients.

Here is How We Can Help You

Equity in Transportation

Build a fair and equitable transportation future. Let’s join forces to put your communities at the forefront of equitable change.

Freight and Economic Modeling and Analysis

Guide your investment decisions by utilizing an array of innovative freight and truck data and modeling tools.

Freight Market and Supply Chain Assessments

Understand the market context and how you can stay competitive by conducting a supply chain and market assessment to assess economic development opportunities.

Freight Modeling

We lead the nation in the advancement of freight modeling techniques, including the integration of commodity flow data into four-step models, the use of locational data in truck parking studies, and the development of tour-based freight models.

Freight Planning and Policy

Review and evaluate freight policies, regulations, and procedures with the foremost experts of freight planning and policy.

Market and Economic Analysis

Understand your customers’ diverse needs and improve your competitive position through segmented market assessments, ridership forecasting, economic and public benefits analysis, and grant and funding support services.

Resilience and Sustainability

Partner with us to help your agency better prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and successfully adapt to adverse events. Our work spans risk valuations, climate adaptation, emissions and energy analysis, air quality planning, supply chain and economic impact studies, and more.


Safety is at the forefront of everything we do. We use a holistic, Safe System approach to help agencies reach their safety goals through ​safety performance measures, targets and priorities to developing Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Highway Safety Plans, Local Road Safety Plans, Fail Safety,

Stakeholder Outreach and Event Coordination

Apply proven outreach methodologies and private sector relationships to support structured collection of input from stakeholders.

Statewide, Regional, and Urban Freight Planning

Develop a holistic data-driven, stakeholder-informed freight plan that goes beyond federal requirements to position your state or region for economic opportunity, resiliency, and equity by leveraging the link between land use, infrastructure, and economic development.

Tolling, Pricing and Road User Charging

We are well-positioned to help you optimize your surface transportation systems using tolling and road user charging strategies.

Truck Operations

Prepare for and leverage freight technologies and operational strategies to promote freight efficiency, safety, and resiliency.

Connect with Us

Elaine McKenzie headshot

Elaine McKenzie, PhD

Freight and Economics Team Lead

Chris Lamm headshot

Chris Lamm

Freight and Economics Team Lead

Michael Williamson headshot

Michael Williamson

Principal, Practice Area Lead for Ports, Rail, Airports, Corridors and Terminals