Your transportation agency is entrusted to answer challenging travel behavior questions and make decisions that impact the people who live and work in your area. To help, Cambridge Systematics created LOCUS, a suite ofcustomizable data products built using anonymized Location-based Services (LBS) data. These products can be used readily with traditional transportation data sources to provide flexible, current and right-sized solutions for your agency.

We combine these data with existing  transportation and demographic data collected through traffic counts, household and transit surveys, and farecard and toll data to provide you with tailored, reliable, ground-truthed findings that you can apply confidently to your work.

Every agency should have the tools to make transportation decisions through an equity lens. LOCUS comes equipped with equity-focused dashboards—no black box, no additional charge. Just precise data.

Solutions for understanding travel demand and behavior

Here is how LOCUS’ four solutions can help your agency reach its goals with precision: 

  • Origin-destination Trip Table. Get expanded and validated travel matrices segmented by travel purpose, time of day, day of the and week traveler type (resident, visitor and equity population).

  • Transit Competitiveness. Identify gaps in your transit system using our Transit Competitiveness dashboard that uses your farecard/survey data in conjunction with customized routing processes.

  • Geofence. Have you considered measuring activity around rail stations, stadiums, malls or airports? With our geofencing tool, you can. We can also provide turnkey advertising solutions to help you target specific audiences.

  • Survey Assist. Supplement traditional household survey data with Survey Assist. Our activity roster data can be used to validate both trip and activity-based models.

Connect with Us

Anurag Komanduri headshot

Anurag Komanduri

Principal and Data Expert

Jason Lemp headshot

Jason Lemp, PhD
