Our team of experts can help you implement TSMO strategies that improve operations of existing infrastructure and focus on better technology, better information and better collaboration to reduce congestion, improve mobility and safety, and maximize capacity while making critical improvements to the transportation network.

In an era of limited funding and growing populations, TSMO strategies offer cost-effective and quick to implement solutions to many pressing safety, mobility, and reliability issues.

CS has worked at the national, state and regional levels to build frameworks that help agencies advance TSMO with strategic planning and planning for operations strategies. We developed numerous publications for the Federal Highway Administration on the institutional, organization and procedural aspects of TSMO planning. Using this expertise, we’ve supported TSMO efforts through strategies such as:

  • TSMO Capability Maturity Model (CMM) assessments
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) evaluations and benefit cost analysis
  • Traffic Incident Management (TIM)
  • Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) and road weather management
  • Work zone management
  • Traffic signal coordination and performance
  • Transportation Operations Centers (TOC)
  • Special event management
  • Traveler information
  • Ramp metering/management
  • Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM))
  • Integrated Corridor Management (ICM)
  • Data usage and applications
  • Truck parking
  • Transit management
  • Freight management
  • Improved bicycle and pedestrian access
  • Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) infrastructure investments
  • Outreach, awareness, and education activities

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