How exploratory analysis can help you embrace uncertainty in scenario planning

Planning for the future amid the uncertainty of global crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, or major shifts in demographics, travel...

How smartphone data are impacting transportation industry and private sector innovations

Over the past decade, the US has seen profound changes in how many of us interact with the transportation systems. For instance, in 2010, we had only just...

FHWA Organizing for TSMO – 2020 Peer Exchange Report

Agencies have taken important steps to advance TSMO programs and planning while implementing action plans to advance TSMO objectives. In February 2020,...

NCHRP Publishes Integrated Corridor Management Guidebook Developed by CS Experts

NCHRP published the Planning and Implementing Multimodal, Integrated Corridor Management: Guidebook developed by Cambridge Systematics’ Alice...

NCHRP Planning and Implementing Multimodal, Integrated Corridor Management: Guidebook

Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) is an operational concept that seeks to reduce congestion and improve performance by maximizing the use of available...

NCHRP Publishes Integrated Corridor Management Stakeholders Report Developed by CS Experts

NCHRP Research Report 899: Broadening Integrated Corridor Management Stakeholders, developed by Cambridge Systematics' Alice Marecek and Ron Basile,...

NCHRP Report 899: Broadening Integrated Corridor Management Stakeholders

NCHRP Research Report 899 addresses a broad range of operational and efficiency issues that are critical to bringing non-traditional (freight, transit,...

ASCE Features Paper on Ridehailing and Extreme Weather Events Co-authored by CS Expert

Niloofar Ghahramani, travel demand modeler, co-wrote a paper on disruptions to transportation systems during extreme weather events. In the paper featured...

TRB Quotes CS Expert About the Importance of Census Data on Future Transportation Projects

Krishnan Viswanathan, Principal, weighs in on the key role that representative data from the 2020 Census will play in policy decisions and helping inform...

CS Expert Featured in NPR Radio Spot and article on How Habits Formed in Pandemic Impact Carbon Emissions

Featured in the NPR article Our Pandemic Habits Cut Carbon Emissions, But It's Not Clear They'll Last, Anurag Komanduri, principal, shares a key...