Cambridge Systematics (CS) is an independent, employee-owned firm, recognized throughout the nation as a leader in transportation.  

CS was founded in 1972 by four Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors and a colleague who shared an understanding that transportation's greatest challenges call for thoughtful, research-based solutions. To this day, our staff are dedicated to forging strong partnerships and delivering innovative solutions for our clients and their communities. 

Honoring the Past › Shaping the Future

Scroll through the timeline below for a glimpse of the key projects, milestones, and events that have happened over the course of five decades at Cambridge Systematics. 


Navigating the Nineties

The 1990s marks an important period of growth. As the transportation industry grows and land development nearly comes to a halt, the Federal Transit Administration is established. CS forges on and takes new risks; we launch our first website, move our headquarters, and continue to flourish with major developments such as Pontis®, NBIAS, and several other information systems.

Offices Icon
2 Offices
Employees Icon
60 Employees
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) is Signed into Law
1991 Offices Icon
CS Opens Washington, DC Office
1991 ›
City lights in Portland, Oregon at dusk
CS Evaluates Air Quality and Energy Consumption Impacts

For the U.S. EPA, CS evaluates the air quality and energy consumption impacts of alternative land use plans and transportation pricing policies in a national demonstration project focusing on the western suburbs of the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Area. Impacts include emissions of carbon

1991 ›
Brad Wright in the 1990s
Brad Wright joins CS

Our current CEO and President, Brad joins CS as an intern. In the next 20 years, he helps launch and lead several CS business lines.  

Federal Transit Administration is Established
1992Bill Clinton Swears into Office
1993 ›
milestone card image
CS Helps Design and Implement HERS

CS helps the FHWA design and implement the national version of the Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS) to help state DOTs determine the most cost-effective mix of investments required to achieve desired highway system performance levels. 

1993 ›
CS Redesigns Corporate Logo

After using the original “paperclip” logo for almost 20 years, CS makes the decision to rebrand. A CS Graphic Artist develops the color scheme, selects fonts, and designs the logo mark. 

1994 ›
Photo of south and north entrances to I-95
CS Supports the I-95 Corridor Coalition

CS provides support on one of the I-95 Corridor Coalition’s initial projects, marking the beginning of a relationship that lasts nearly 20 years. Over the years, we partner with the Coalition on regional rail operation studies, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies, analysis and planning tools, intermodal freight and passenger movement, and workshops and training programs.  

1994 ›
Image of an older bus in downtown chicago
CS Evaluates Impacts of Chicago RTA Programs

The comprehensive study determines the economic, social, and environmental impacts of alternate levels of future capital programs and levels of transit services in the Chicago metropolitan region and the State of Illinois.  

1994 Offices Icon
CS moves headquarters to 150 Cambridgepark Drive in Cambridge
FHWA Travel Survey Manual is Published
1996 ›
Trucks on highway at sunset
CS Manages Study on Systems Planning for Automated Commercial Vehicle Licensing and Permitting Systems for FHWA

The study defines the market, organizational, and resource requirements for the national ITS/commercial vehicle operations (CVO) program. We also launch new services to meet growing ITS/CVO needs. 

1996 ›
Aerial view of coney island showing train yard and highway
CS Develops a Performance-Based Transportation Planning Process for NCHRP

CS develops a performance-based transportation planning process that defines the state-of-the-practice in multimodal transportation planning for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). Based on system performance and responsive to the information needs of decision-makers and

1997 ›
Image of IDAS software in 1997
CS Develops NBIAS

CS develops NBIAS—National Bridge Investment Analysis System—which is a powerful modeling and analysis tool that predicts needs for bridge maintenance, improvement, and replacement across the U.S.  

1997 ›
IDAS (ITS Deployment Analysis System) logo
CS Develops ITS Deployment Analysis System

CS develops and tests the ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS), a ITS sketch-planning analysis tool that interfaces with planning data from existing regional travel demand models.

The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century is Enacted
1998 ›
truck on highway
CS Launches Commercial Vehicle Operations Products and Support

CS develops several information systems that make highways and other modes of transportation safer, including IFTACS™, CVIEWCS™ and PERMITCS™.

1998 ›
A screenshot of CS' first website in 1998, celebrating our 25th anniversary.
CS Launches its First Website
1998 Offices Icon
Netpals logo
CS’s Cambridge Office Begins a Partnership with Cambridge School Volunteers

Our Cambridge office begins a partnership with Cambridge School Volunteers, an independent, non-profit organization supporting the Cambridge Public School children.