Cambridge Systematics (CS) actively seeks to promote equity in transportation, both in the work we do and by using our voice to bring attention to equity challenges that exist in our industry. Read CEO Brad Wright’s statement on how our firm is working to address its diversity, equity and inclusion challenges.
Last month, we shared a collection of resources for Black History Month. In March, we are continuing to hold important conversations about equity during Women’s History Month by sharing additional resources from key organizations such as WTS, COMTO and AASHTO. These materials address the experiences of women from various perspectives, including insights from transportation professionals, articles on the experiences of female transit riders and celebrations of female pioneers in the industry.
Celebrate Women’s History Month with us. We invite you to start a conversation on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
Resources Shared by Industry Organizations:
Next City:
A Woman’s Place is in the City
WIRED magazine:
The Pink Transit Tax: Women Spend More Than Men to Get Around NYC
Women In Trucking:
Women at the Helm: How Women in Leadership Shape Better Outcomes During Times of Crisis (March 17)
Zephyr Transport:
Panel on Race and Gender Lenses in Modeling and Data Collection
TR NEWS magazine issue: “Women and Gender in Transportation”
Women Mobilize Women:
5 Principles to Empower Women In Transport
U.S Department of Transportation
Women in Transportation History