Recent research efforts, such as the Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) project, Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) 2 C10 project and SHRP2 L08 project, have demonstrated that existing AMS tools have limited capabilities to properly reflect the impacts of a proactive management approach on driver behavior through the full trip chain. The trip chain in this report refers to the full range of decisions made by travelers, such as destination choice, time-of-day choice, mode choice, route choice, and facility/lane choice. Detailed simulation tools, meso or micro, are required when modeling the tactical portions of the trip chain (facility/lane choice), which requires modeling behaviors, such as merging, lane changing, and car following.
Click here to read this USDOT report by CS experts Erin Flanigan and Michalis Xyntarakis.