Cambridge Systematics (CS) announced today that Paula Dowell, Freight and Economics National Practice Lead, has joined the firm’s office in Austin, Texas to support the critical freight work happening in the state and region. She has relocated from CS’ Atlanta office.
“Paula has more than 22 years of experience in transportation planning and policy—the last 14 at CS where she has supported some of the most foundational freight and economics projects in Texas, including the Texas Department of Transportation’s recent Statewide Truck Parking Plan, Texas Freight Mobility Plan and Permian Basin Freight and Energy Sector Transportation Plan,” says Brad Wright, President and CEO of CS. “Paula’s move to Texas positions her to continue concentrating on this work while still locating her to support major freight hubs throughout the central and southeast regions of the country.”
Paula joins a growing team of transportation planners and modelers at the firm’s Austin office that has continued to grow since CS opened the location in 2007. Also providing leadership in Austin are Rachel Copperman, Office Director, and Kelsey Ahern, Principal.
Get to Know Paula Dowell, Freight and Economics National Practice Lead
Paula is a nationally recognized thought leader who has worked with agencies across the country on economic analyses, border studies, freight planning, grant management and economic development. She has focused her career on applying her economic training to real-world decision making, leading the development of numerous tools and processes to assist agencies in assessing the economic impacts and benefits/costs associated with multimodal transportation investments. Paula is an active member of the National Academies of Science, Transportation Research Board, International Transport Economists Association and Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.